Emily B Holistic

Holistic counselling for emotional, physiological and spiritual growth.

Holistic Counselling

Online Counselling

Experience the transformative power of being held, listened to and witnessed by a counsellor coming from a holistic perspective.

The greatest transformation comes from your wholeness. I help guide you there.

Emily B Holistic Counselling

About Emily

Emily works with people in a compassionate and non-judgmental space, allowing them to discover how their beliefs, patterns, choices and life story influence who they are and who they want to become.

While Eastern philosophy, Buddhism and some spiritual ideas inform Emily’s approach, she comes from an incredibly grounded and evidence-based perspective. Emily loves to find the interplay between science and spiritual philosophies, often choosing to work from evidence based research with an open curiosity about how these things cross over to ancient and inner wisdom.

What is Holistic Counselling?

In the modality of Holistic Counselling physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual well-being are seen as being interconnected. In other words, holistic counselling considers a person’s whole experience.

A holistic counsellor does not see their client as damaged or needing to be fixed. Rather than addressing symptoms, a holistic counsellor holds their client to their wholeness, walking alongside them as the client actively participates in their healing journey and develops a deeper understanding of themselves on all levels.

It is important to note that holistic counselling does not disregard other therapeutic approaches, but rather complements them. Holisitic counselling is not clinical, rather it is within the well-being space.

In a holistic counselling session, the counsellor may draw on mindfulness, meditation, expressive arts, inner child theories, somatic theories, positive psychology and other talk therapy techniques to foster greater self-awareness and healing. Every session is as unique as the individual.

Please note that Emily is not qualified to diagnose or treat mental illness and is required to refer those in need of clinical support.

“I experienced an incredible and almost instant transformation from my sessions with Emily. She is warm and welcoming and gives you the space you need to be heard. She has the ability to give perspective in a way that guides you to your own inner wisdom. I am forever grateful how much she helped me in so many aspects of my life and there is no going backwards!.”

– Wendy Bray, 2023

“Emily provided me with some amazing insight and guidance over the course of 5 counselling sessions. With her skill set and already imbedded wisdom, Emily assisted me to step into my full potential and see myself for who I am and my worth. Emily is a beacon of light who holds a beautiful container of space for you to unpack, understand and navigate your current life journey.I highly recommend Emily, and I have to those I know, who all thank me for such an excellent referral.

– Jana Higgs, 2023

“What I really love about Emily in addition to her compassion and sense of humour, is her holistic approach to therapy. She is an amazing listener, who asks you to reflect on your own narrative in an insightful and considered way. She is also a deep thinker who helps you pull all the threads together. But more than this, she brings research informed somatic tools into the sessions. I had done a lot of talk therapy before but I hadn't done therapy that included meditations and a focus on the body. Mindfulness and meditation have never been my strong suit, but Emily made it feel easy to incorporate breathing and meditations into daily life--- even while driving! It has helped me get out of my head and learn how to manage stressful situations.I cannot recommend Emily highly enough. Working with her has not only shifted my perspective but has also empowered me with invaluable tools for self-care and resilience".

– Sara, 2024

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My Practice


Fish Creek, South Gippsland
VIC, Australia

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Open Hours

Mon, Wed, Fri: 10am - 2pm
Sat & Sun by appointment